Sunday, September 23, 2012

Helping Children Develop Humanitarian Ways

Natural disasters have the ability to be far reaching events.  They do not always just affect the immediate area, but sometimes can have far-reaching and world-wide impacts.  These far reaching affects are not always the results from that original disaster but could be caused by all the lateral damage associated with it.  Today is a very unique time for teaching children.  With the wonders of the internet, we can now see what is happening around the world at any time.  With this access also brings a sense of closeness to people around the world that previously was non-existent.  In a world where people are now only as far as a push of a button, it builds a sense that we are responsible for helping these previously unknown people, especially in times of need.  

One way of teaching my students to become more scientifically-literate and also a compassionate world citizen through the use of NASA’s Earth Observatory website.  This site is a great resource which can lead to great lessons on different natural disasters.  The website shows images of natural disasters around the world taken with different types of imaging equipment.  It shows all the current natural events that are happening around the world.  By teaching my students about these current natural events, it would hopefully build interest because it is an event that is currently happening.  These images could then lead into lessons where students would learn the factors that contribute to them.  By using a variety of easily found websites, such as the ones suggested in this week’s resources, students can learn all about the actual science behind them.  

And due to the fact that these are events that are currently going on, the lesson could also spin into a lesson on charity and fundraising.  Students could help by raising money or collecting supplies that could then be sent to areas of need.  With the use of programs like Skype, the teacher could set up contacts near or involved in the natural disaster clean up and have video chats to learn about the after affects and how people recover.  Will all these wonderful tools at our disposal now thanks to the Internet, it makes it easier to connect our students right to the events that are changing our world.  By connecting them to live real time events, it hopefully builds a greater appreciation in the student to the project/assignment.  With that instant connection also comes a great opportunity to learn about the natural disasters around the Earth and provides an chance to help out with the rebuilding effort.